Pablo Sanchez Art

Here’s How to Use YouTube Correctly for Your Business

Because we really hate it when brands use YouTube “incorrectly,” consider this a public service to all businesses worldwide.

The survey below shows that 29% watched a YouTube video for or related to something they were interested in buying in the past month. Wow. (29% of how many people? It doesn’t say. But since its illustrated with cool icons, it must be true.) […]

What You Can Learn From Sleuthing On The Forefathers of Content Marketing

Ah, content marketing, how far back does this practice go?

Here’s a brief history of content marketing that you likely didn’t know about and what you can learn from it that is very much applicable to your success today. […]


SEO for Video

What Happens After Your Videos Are Made?

If you don’t know what to do next, no worries, we won’t leave you hanging. We can help get your videos in front of the right audience.

We can help you with:

• Proper Keyword Research: To uncover relevant, high volume and low competition terms that your target audience will regularly search for

• Powerful keyword rich titles and descriptions that helps you get found and gets the click on search results

• High page rank backlinks that will help boost your search rank to the top for your target keyword

• Where to syndicate your video so you can get more exposure from the right audience

We have samples and case studies of clients ranking well on Google’s search results through our SEO service.

Please contact us for a free report that provides verifiable case studies on the effective results that we have provided for our clients.

What To Do When It Gets Too Competitive

Videos are currently easier to rank on Google when using good SEO practices. It provides a huge edge over searches with only text results. For now, video has lower competition in this space BUT as with anything that is good and effective, more businesses are catching up to the trend and this space will soon become as competitive as ranking for good ol’ text searches. When that happens, you can always set yourself apart from the herd with quality content. Good SEO starts with quality content that people love to give links to and pass around through social media. This is not always that easy with commercial content. People rarely, if at all, pass around video ads. So think in terms of editorial type content like the kind you find on magazines which showcase hard to resist articles that people in your market go crazy over. And whenever you get too bogged down trying to catch up on the latest SEO trick, it is best to take a step back and re-focus on producing quality content, do that and the rest of that SEO stuff will be easier to fit into place.